

91 Syclone on a diet
Yeah it would be awesome. my e-mail is keenanmore@aol.com

I am still hoping to get the Typhoon out of the shop this week. I will know more details when I stop by the shop in the morning and find out how serious the problems are. They were just putting new engine, turbo, and bunch of stuff in it. I assume its just tuning problems.


umop apisdn w,I
Hey guys and gals, it was great getting to meet you all on Sunday! Had a great time, got alot of different ideas as well. Would like to do more of them! As for all the Sy/Ty's they're sweeeet!


91 Syclone on a diet
man! I am jealous! I really want to get into the next gathering as soon I can. The pictures really impressed me. Dammit, I need my Typhoon out of the shop.

Richard Le

New member
Here is a video of my truck on FAME's AWD dyno chassis in Redmond:


The video is 4.77 MB in length. It might be faster if you right-click on
the link and choose "Save Target As..." to save the movie to your local
hard drive. Then crank up the volume to listen to the sweet sound of the
Borla exhaust and the whine of the stock turbocharger.


umop apisdn w,I
TWO WORDS: BITCH...EN (or one, take your pick) Hey Richard was that your Ty I saw last night turning onto 4th Ave from 128th (S.Everett 9:30-10:00pm)

Richard Le

New member
Hey Steve,

I'm afraid that was not my Ty. I rarely take my truck out after 7 pm and I rarely go out of town after dark.


New member
Well ! Lets get together ! I dont take my Ty out very much anymre. I have too many other things going on, and I would rather take out some of my older mucsle cars. Give me a call 425-210-4574


umop apisdn w,I
tyman said:
Well ! Lets get together ! I dont take my Ty out very much anymre. I have too many other things going on, and I would rather take out some of my older mucsle cars. Give me a call 425-210-4574

I would mind doing so, although I was going to start a new post, I was thinking of trying to get NWSTP out to the Kla Yah Days show in Snohomish in July (I think thats how you spell it) but I don't know, it might interfer with football, trying to get the diamonds.