

umop apisdn w,I
Anything going on here in Washington? Is NWSTP dead offically? I've seen a few Sy's here, more Ty's though, and the Ty's seem to be driven by old men. The one old man (looked to be in his mid-60's) I talked to said he was apart of some northwest club that also included Canada. I asked him if he was a member here, and his reply ..."I don't have a computer!"...not exactly a lot of help!

I know where a father and son live, they each have a Typhoon (black/black) they live in south Everett, and just the other day on my lunch break I was outside "walking" to the store when I see another Ty (black/black), driven by a older man, coming my way - and almost out of instinct I almost flagged him down, but did not. This was in Kirkland.


91 Syclone on a diet
That sucks. I am 24 with 92 Typhoon. I am located in Portland, OR. My Typhoon should be out soon with lots of goodies!

Let me know if you find out anything more about fellow sy/ty owners in NW.


umop apisdn w,I
Well I have not heard anything lately, so I'm giving it much thought to start something up here in the PNW... Are you interested?


Sell Out
I am sure there are people still doing the NWSTP thing - they were too big of a group to die out - of course maybe some of the people might have gotten burned out. http://www.whitetyphoon.com is one of the guys from Seattle. Richard Le is his name - might want to give him a shout.


umop apisdn w,I
Yeah, I'll give him a try, but I went to NWSTP website and started e-mailing people, and was told get touch with other people, and I've heard nothing, the most that I know about anyone from NWSTP is that some guy used to be in it, moved to Kentucky.


Sell Out
I guess you could just post here if you wanted to set up a gathering. Might be kinda fun - I know there are other owners in your area and they could all be waiting for a gathering to be set-up.


New member
i am actually in NWSTP. although, recently i have been out of it because i've had other things to deal w/ instead of going to club meets. i'm not sure what's up w/ them, the last time i went to a meet was about 1/2 year ago. the guy who went to kentucky is named jeffrey scott. however, the NWSTP still continued even though he left. i'm not sure what they're up to now though.

btw, i'm in seattle/bellevue and i have a ty. most of the guys up here are actually older, i'm probably the youngest.

-Mike Chen


umop apisdn w,I
btw, i'm in seattle/bellevue and i have a ty. most of the guys up here are actually older, i'm probably the youngest.

I don't know how old you are, but its like I said in the first post, older guys tend to drive the ty's (at least here in washington). Where you at in Bellevue, I work in kirkland, would like to see your Ty., I haven't been able to really look at one up close.

as for NWSTP who do I have to get ahold of to get on the members page, ect...?


A gathering sounds great! I think I will look into the Puyallup Fair Grounds (hopefully for spring, summer) its right in the middle of W.Washington so it should be a great location for everyone. A lot of man hours to be put in... Anyone else in PNW interested in this? Sound off please.


91 Syclone on a diet
Hey, let me know about when can we get together. I should have my Typhoon out by next week. I am really eager to see other Typhoons and Syclones. So gimme some info.



NOT a newbie, just shy
Hi Steve,
I am in NWSTP, and I think a get together will be nice, we haven't had a gathering since Jeff came out this summer to visit. (Well, some of the guys went to GB01.)Anyways, The weather's kinda iffy right now, but we've driven down to Centralia in the rain, to meet with the OR folks, and one Idahoan:) I may have seen you in Mill Creek a couple of times, maybe it wasn't you..? I have a black Syclone, stock, and sometimes I drive it to work, but usually on the days I see this Sonoma GT go by, at Murphys Corner, I am usually in my big blue truck, not the Sy :sad: I did email you recently, don't know if you've read it yet or not. Getting the guys together sometimes can be a chore, but it can be done. Sounds good to me!


umop apisdn w,I
On 2001-11-18 14:41, SyChic wrote:
driven down to Centralia in the rain, to meet with the OR folks, and one Idahoan:) I may have seen you in Mill Creek a couple of times, maybe it wasn't you..? I have a black Syclone, stock, and sometimes I drive it to work, but usually on the days I see this Sonoma GT go by, at Murphys Corner, I am usually in my big blue truck, not the Sy

Been to Centrailia before... You talk of the Mill Creek/Murphy's Corner area, you must live close by me. My GT is black/black, has a shell on the back with a hump in the middle and is lowered.

Hope this can snowball into a big enough gathering!


NOT a newbie, just shy
I hope that we can get more local folks to read the forum, doesn't look like many do.. The GT I saw near Murphys corner did not have a cap on it, and it was not lowered(that must mean there's two!) I remember seeing one also going west on 164th toward I-5 in the early mornings, and my husband says he has seen one near 180th behind a video store. This could mean there is more than one out here! :grin:

KGB Pilot125

New member
Wanda who was the guy from Idaho? Just wondering because I have one and dave has one and then there is one in Eastern Idaho too. Thats all I know about. Oh and I saw a little hottie driving one but I was on the moped and couldnt catch her, she had nevada plates.


NOT a newbie, just shy
I believe it was Pat Merri...? We all met for breakfast, then drove to Rainbow Falls State Park, near Centralia. It was my first gathering, and I tried to meet and talk with everyone as best I could. I don't believe I have seen him since, but I have chatted with him online here recently a time or two.

KGB Pilot125

New member

I was wondering if you could give me his email address? I would like to talk to him and find out where about he is.



TurboLS6 Powa'
the most that I know about anyone from NWSTP is that some guy used to be in it, moved to Kentucky.

hee hee..... and if yer smart you'd stop looking for this dude.. LMAO.. He's well, he's a real PUTZ.... Haaaa

just kidding Jeff is down here in Southern Indiana (I live in Indy) and he's still kicking..

Has Fuel Rails, Motor Mounts, and Intake Conversion plates for sale..

Sounds to me like he's still active :grin:
Anyhow heres his email addy:


hey Folks;

WE are due for a get together. The problem is the weather. Not exactly cozy for a bunch of us standing outside BS'ing about our trucks. However, I'll see about getting something set up in mid December..... perhaps a breakfast get together @ Coho's in Redmond on a sunday.

Boostn....... what's 'ur e-mail and I'll add you to the e-mail I'll send out. redroseyI'm abigdoggy, I have already added you.

Mite be an opportunity to have a get together with the local Buick crowd..... they meet in Lynnwood @ Alfy's pizza place, but have nothing planned at present.

Boostn........ would you come up for a day visit in December? I have a guest room, so 'ur welcome.

SyTy'r near Seattle


NOT a newbie, just shy
Sure, I would love to go, and I think its a great idea to ask the Turbo guys to join us. Lets see how many of us we can get together..
You have to tell me how to get to the Coho. I only know a few places in Redmond.. :roll:


umop apisdn w,I
On 2001-11-27 20:38, Roland Black wrote:
hey Folks;

WE are due for a get together. The problem is the weather. Not exactly cozy for a bunch of us standing outside BS'ing about our trucks. However, I'll see about getting something set up in mid December..... perhaps a breakfast get together @ Coho's in Redmond on a sunday.

Boostn....... what's 'ur e-mail and I'll add you to the e-mail I'll send out. redroseyI'm abigdoggy, I have already added you.

Mite be an opportunity to have a get together with the local Buick crowd..... they meet in Lynnwood @ Alfy's pizza place, but have nothing planned at present.

Boostn........ would you come up for a day visit in December? I have a guest room, so 'ur welcome.

SyTy'r near Seattle

YES, YES, YES!!! Bought freakin' OMG gonna have a heart attack! Right on, there's a guy at my apartment complex that has a GN, wonder if he's in that club?...