Where's the NATs eye candy?


Is in over my head......
2 things. Was that guy on the bike boosting when he came round the curve?!? Flying!! And why is that kid eating from a dogbowl? :rotf:

That was at the restautant we ate at on Friday night. Double Dogs. We had nachos that also were served in one. I guess every place has to have their "thing"?


SYTY Fleet owner
Re: Where's the NATs eye candy?

Video seems a little blurry right now? Might just still be processing through YouTube...hopefully.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa..

TryMe has the right idea! The rest of you were slacking..yes I have experience at this sort of thing...Im the third guy in the red formula..this OG stuff here.


Thats how its done guys..

hats off to TryMe!:tup:
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Active member
Re: Where's the NATs eye candy?

I am not a photographer, but here are 750ish pictures from this weekend. The good and the bad. They should all be downloadable as well.


The easiest way to navigate is to click on grid view on the top right of the page.

Some of these trucks could use some sway bars!


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Active member
Re: Where's the NATs eye candy?

It should open up in "google drive" and show a list of my pictures. When you click on grid view it should show thumbnails of all the pictures.... let me see what is up...

I changed the privacy to not require a log in.


Re: Where's the NATs eye candy?

I'm VERY VERY unhappy with the quality of this video, but figured I'd post it for you guys anyway. I really needed a tripod!


Try Me

New member
Re: Where's the NATs eye candy?

I know there will be a ton more pics loaded, but this has to be a contender for best action photo of Nats! Thanks Vader85! This will probably be my desktop background for a while.
