

What cams are people using? I have a Comp 412 that I used in my build from 2003. I want something better since the motor is coming out.


Active member
Comp 422, comp 415
I've seen some use a lunati with custom grind.
Sportmachines sells a cam.
Steve Morris cam (I've heard these are the same as the SM specs, unsure of that.)
During a recent rebuild I went with the 412. I wanted a daily driver with a bit more punch, and that describes it well, even a bit too well. I suspect a 415 would have also met my goals and I likely could have lived with a 422. Did you have vortec heads, and a higher flowing turbo? Without improving flow restrictions a more aggressive cam MIGHT perform poorly compared to a less aggressive.


SM designed the Cam with Steve Morris. My friend works there and I bought his old Typhoon. So the Sportmachines cams are Steve Morris Cams.


Well-known member
I've got the Steve Morris cam and it's been good. The comp 422 is a whole lot cheaper.

An old ty owner used to work for him and did some good testing on his truck when making it.

DaveP's Ghost

Well-known member
Phil: How did that cam respond at low RPM, before boost built? I would expect kind of lethargic, especially with the low compression turbo engines should have.

I've never seen a cam with 0 deg of overlap. The exhaust closes at exactly the same time the intake opens. 6 deg AFTC. On the other hand that cam is 'bigger' in both lift and duration over anything I've used in SyTy.

I looked at the sheets for the two custom cams I've had ground for my Syclones. The first one was a single pattern done 20+ years ago for the Sy I still own, but have never driven. The other was for DesertSy and is the same pattern on the exhaust, but I increased both lift and duration on the intake, and pushed the LSA up another degree as 'thinking' regarding turbo engine cam profiles had changed in the ensuing 12 years between the two builds. DesertSy had a stock turbo, stock calibration and had to pass Cali Emissions or I may have gone bigger. It ran well enough. It had good idle quality and good low boost torque.

I've never seen 0 overlap. Maybe I didn't read it right.



I Love My Ty's
Dave, Camshaft design is something that I know almost nothing about. By looking at the cam card it does look like it would be zero overlap. It was designed by a person I talked to at Comp Cams. I don't know what that is worth.

The truck seemed to run well when it was not under boost. Starting from a stop seemed pretty normal to me. Now I never got the truck lined out after I put the engine in it at WOT before I sold it. Took it to the track one time. I don't recall the exact time but it ran in the 12's(Very slow for what it should have}. But the mph was 121. It was quite slow at the start of the run but ended surprisingly strong.