west coast beaches


Active member
Ill be at LAX this weekend to drop a friend off. I was gonna see what typhool7 was up to cause I wanna see is truck move and get some more pics of it. Adam if your around PM me.


New member
yeah Justin Redondo beach , Manhattan beach, Hermosa beach is cool it has have all those clubs, and places to eat a lot of people hang out there. On the weekends especially Sharkys :)
Dockweiler Beach is the best place for a big gathering lots of parking but not much to do other than Bon Fires
let us know

Syclone #682
92 Typhoon #2351


New member
Went skiing last night, came down with bad case of cold this morning. :(
I would like to get together if I get better. 8)


These trucks are cursed
post a date when it gets all figured out, i should have my sy fixed soon, and if i hear back from ghettosled, i might also have a new ext wg. :D


Post Hawk
whats up guys...ive been under a rock for a few days. are we trying to meet up still or did i miss out on it? I forgot to mention, i in!


New member


i am up for going to Sharkys to have a meet but make it like in two or three weeks because i have to get the day off try to get a bunch of people to go post it everywhere


Hellooo........anyone,anyone,anyone....where'd everyone go?

Hey guys. local newbie here.

anyone interested in this weekend?


New member
2-3 weeks sounds like a good plan time. The 12th or 13th of Apr would be good, but I may be heading to Texas in early Apr. I'll know more later this week. I'm in the Lancaster/Palmdale area if anyone wants to cruise down (if I'm here).

Steve-o -- my tires are shot as well as the rear brakes (no holdy) :lol:



Active member
I may be down. Let me see what Im doing that weekend. I know the weekend after that I am taken. this weekend is devoted to me getting my shit running gooder.



its cool that we're gittin the ball rolling but i'll be at the long beach grand prix that whole weekend.... :x sorry for tossing a turd in the punch bowl.

maybe we could pencil in the plans for the weekend after that, say apr 19-20th perhaps? what do you guys think?

maybe this'll buy us some extra time for more to respond....

and an extra weekend for you guys to get situated.

see buddy? thats wut happens when you autocross your Sy in italy fer four years! :D


New member
steve-o said:

its cool that we're gittin the ball rolling but i'll be at the long beach grand prix that whole weekend.... :x sorry for tossing a turd in the punch bowl.

maybe we could pencil in the plans for the weekend after that, say apr 19-20th perhaps? what do you guys think?

maybe this'll buy us some extra time for more to respond....

and an extra weekend for you guys to get situated.

see buddy? thats wut happens when you autocross your Sy in italy fer four years! :D

I'll be at Long Beach GP


i checked out the thread from the s-series forum and it seems like they are planning to gather somewhere in long beach on june 1st (sunday). i think i'll go check it out and represent. this may be too early to ask but would anyone else be interested in a syty caravan?

is everyone still cool with meeting at sharkys on the 19th or 20th? saturday or sunday?....afternoon or evening?.....who's in so-far?