syty swap idea


New member
has anybody swapped a syty turbo 4.3 into a suzuki samurai, if not is it possible do you think i know there's a lsx sami out there so it should be possible
Re: syty swap idea

4.3 swaps in them are fairly popular; I used to see a lot of them when I was big into ORV parks with my S10.


Re: syty swap idea

Yes. Can't find it but it's been posted on here before. I remember the pics of it included some at the starting line on a strip.


Re: syty swap idea

Those pics of the Tracker are lost forever.

I saw them, it was blue or green or blueish green. Or maybe it was white? It wasn't red or black I remember that much.

I'm going with greenish blue.


New member
Re: syty swap idea

There was a syty powered Tracker about 10 years ago. Jack Wilburn. I found it using "Wilburn" as a search key word.

aint that a Geo sami basically second question is there any real difference between a regular 4.3 and a syty 4.3 besides the fuel system and turbo of course lol

V8 Sonoma GT

Mile High SyTy
Re: syty swap idea

aint that a Geo sami basically second question is there any real difference between a regular 4.3 and a syty 4.3 besides the fuel system and turbo of course lol

geo tracker is same a suzuki sidekick. sidekick replaced samurai. ie; sami is not a tracker

Captain Morgan

Moderated User
Re: syty swap idea

main cap??

the main caps, the ones that hold the crankshaft in the block, they are nodular iron on SyTys.

The pistons are also different, as are the exhaust manifolds obviously. I believe there has been mention of the head gaskets being different than the N/A versions too.