SoCalSyTy meetings monthly, anyone?


As you may have seen, a website has been created ( to represent us syty'rs in southern California. We are also working on getting some stickers made... with t-shirts hopefully soon to come.

Can't help but notice the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of syclone and typhoon 'clubs' around the country but look around here, there's nothing! hopefully soon we can start to work on getting us on "the map" again. now that we have at least something to grow on, how do you feel about actually meeting on a regular basis? see, we need you guys to help make this happen. been giving it some thought....

was thinkin' bout the recent meetings we've had over the summertime. we had a good turn-out in Long Beach at the s-series meet in July and at the Loft in Torrance a few weeks ago. some of you guys came from far away places just to hang out with other syty people. to me it seems that there is enough interest among us all to meet on a regular basis. so we can basically gather and bullshit a while. we can share ideas about the website, plan events, or upcoming car shows, get drunk, etc.

so who's it for? for everyone who wants to come. even those who don't have syclone's, typhoon's or gt's but are enthusiasts are welcome too! it should be a very casual and relaxed meet. so, if ya can't make it this month, fine, we'll catch ya next biggie kinda attitude. let's try to keep something rolling always, something regular. I'm gonna try and show up every time.

where? I'm up for suggestions. in my opinion I was kinda leaning towards a traditional/American variety type restaurant. perhaps a chili's, Applebee's, a red robin type of place. this way there's something to most everyone's liking....ribs, chicken, steak, salads, burgers, beer or what have you. these restaurants are usually cool about large parties too.

where, geographically? again, suggestions. keeping in mind that there are some up in thousand oaks and Valencia, some from southern orange county like Costa mesa , and some as far out as Palmdale. if we can agree on a centralized location, it should make it fair for everyone.

when? how about the first Thursday of every month? Fridays and Saturdays tend to be really busy nights for restaurants. remembering the first Thursday of every month should be pretty easy too.

thats it i what do you think? submit your ideas here and we'll toss 'em around. this is for everyone. it would be cool if we can make our first meet by next month.



New member
Im totally up for it but weekdays wont be good for me since I work late. It would have to be sat or sun

As of a location we should just put a post for whomever is up for it and mention your location and we can just centralize it and go from there .


These trucks are cursed
im down to meet up whenever!

although that may change after i find a new job.
location might be my only concern... torrance is a bit of a haul (for me at least) so whether or not id be able to make it every time is questionable.
only other problem for me is gettin time away from my girlfriend haha ::cracks the whip:: :oops:


Active member
Im down but I got the th350 and get a whopping 7mpg on the highway so the closer to palm springs the better for me. haha ontario area woudl be good... I dont know where you are all comming from though. I can make it sometimes if it is close to pay day so i think i have more money then i really do and can fill the tank... of course the truck is running like shit right now and i dont want to embarass myself so it will be a month or two before i can make it out.


New member
im down

im down

im down for it anywhere u guys say, im in san berdo area....i need help with my sy......


New member
Damn Steve-O you don't quit............... and that's good :) :)
A monthly meet would be cool but, the week day thing might kill alot of people because of the drive home later + work the next day. That's the main reason i can't drag w/ you guys at night (2+ hrs) :eek: ........... I like the idea.............. maybe float the location around and/or every other month? I don't know..............
I would like to meet up w/ other owners and B/S
Currently my Sy is down (chroming the rims), but i would drive acouple of hrs to see everyone and a few beers..... only on a weekend though. Can't handle week days + the drive + work..

For everyone else I'm in the Lancaster/Palmdale case we float around or someone is near

we'll see where this goes........


thanks for the feedback guys. it sounds like we're gonna do this. we just need to decide on the specifics. i set up a quick ballot bellow to (hopefully) help us out more effectively. if you think if there is anything i should add...or if i forgot something, let me know please. again... this is for us all.

just reply your vote here and i'll tally them daily with smiley faces as they're submitted.

1. when?
a. thursday
b. friday
c. saturday :D :D :D :D

2. what time?
a. 6pm
b. 7pm
c. 5pm :D
d. 4pm :D :D :D

3. location.
a. same place everytime.
b. rotate monthly :D :D :D :D

4. city?
a. cerritos (geographic center of the people far away) :D
b. torrance (the loft) :D
c. ontario :D :D
d. anywhere :D
I guess when it comes down to it, the city vote might not matter. That is, if we choose to rotate every time. But vote anyway to see where most of the interest lies. We'll prolly end up in at least one of these cities anyway. It'll be like,"The SoCalSyTy Tour"! Oooh, Scott ! Doood! We gotta make T-shirts for the tour, man!......just kidding.

5. where?
a. chili's or similar
b. El Torito or similar
c. the Loft (torrance)
d. fast food
e. the loft for first meeting :D
f. any place "sit down" w/brew :D :D :D

phoonerorlater said:
Ontario is my only prerequisit until i go back to the 700r4 and drop a few debts.
do you want to vote on anything else keith? wuddabout #1,2,3 & 5?


New member
1. when
C. saturday

2. time
C.?? 5pm (it gets dark around 6:30pm and pretty soon it will be 6pm

B. rotate monthly

4. city
if many sytyers far away in on the meet I'd say cerritos if not torrance

C. the loft or similar since prices are good and the beer is A+++ I'd say the loft should be the first meet just to try out that beer :D

this is what I have been waiting for a long time a syty monthly gathering lets make this happen thank you for the idea Steve and another big thanks to SCOTT (sy113) for making those awesome sytysocal decals

c ya


These trucks are cursed
just reply your vote here and i'll tally them daily with smiley faces as they're submitted.

1. when?
a. thursday
b. friday
c. saturday :D

2. what time?
a. 6pm
b. 7pm
c. ?? :D perhaps maybe a lil earlier? 4ish? (so the people that have a long drive have time to get back and still do something saturday night) and so that we can see everyones truck by sunlight not street light.

3. location.
a. same place everytime.
b. rotate monthly :D i say rotate so everyone gets a chance to meet

4. city?
a. cerritos (geographic center of the people far away)
b. torrance (the loft) :D all are pretty far for me, but im goin with torrance cause its the closest @60+miles
c. ontario
d. ??

5. where?
a. chili's or similar
b. El Torito or similar
c. the Loft (torrance)
d. fast food
e. ?? :D any place thats a sit down is cool with me, and as long as they got good beer... new castle on tap would be great! hehe


New member
1. when

2. time
I like the idea of 4ish.... gives you time to still have a night & it's still light out

3. location
rotate ........ unless we find one place that everyone is happy w/

4. city
Ontario is about the southern limit for me.......... San Berardino works to though.........anything northwest from there to Bakersfield is cake :D

5. where
Not to picky, some place w/ a bar and good all around food



New member


when saturday
time 4pm it gives us daylight
location we should rotate
city anywhere in so cal but the middle of so cal would be i think best
place anywhere with good grill and beer...


Awh shit, guys! i realized yesterday that this saturday coming up is the first saturday of october....the 4th, yep. hmmm. well it just so happens that a good buddy of mine is getting married that day so i gotta go. my bad. NO WORRIES THOUGH. i refuse to be the dude who tossed a turd in the punch bowl and left the party. and since i'm the one who started this thread i feel obligated to see it through til final. just cuz i won't be there duzint mean it ain't happenin'. so with that said, i'll try and help wrap up this thread in the next few days and make sure all votes are counted and words r heard so everything goes through as planned.

as far as the current (not final) tally is concerned, it looks like we'll be meeting saturdays at 4pm. we shall rotate our locations monthly. we currently have two votes for ontario. however, Joe (sytydvr), Neil (666sothis666), and Chris (socal sy) have expressed in their posts specific interest in The Loft (Torrance) for the first official gathering.

according to the votes it seems as though an interest in an ontario gathering will be in the works in the near future too- prolly november? for those who are in that neck of the woods can perhaps come up with and suggest a place we can meet out there.

looking ahead: was thinkin' maybe a gathering in the valley will be a good idea too. maybe for december? seems there are syty guys up there who don't post here often but might be interested in meeting up if they hear about it. help us, Neil.

****thinkin' i'll set everyone else who has not voted a deadline of this thursday, oct. 2nd @ 9pm, to submit your votes and queries. then i'll start a new thread that will make our first SoCalSyTy gathering official! i'll include a link for directions to the place we decide yada yada. the whole deal.****

bummed i can't make it this time. :(
thanks all