SoCal SyTy Meet *Back to our ROOTS*


Post Hawk
Hi All,
The time has come for the next meeting to be set. Although a little late, we have decieded in the last week that we would be returning to The Loft for a member re-grouping. We have experienced some trouble while trying to move our meets to various spots; which has driven us back to our initial location. On Saturday April 3rd, at 4:30-5:00 being the arrival time, i will expect to see you there!
Directions can be found below:

Again this meeting was scheduled with only a week in advance, for that i appologize. We had chosen a restraunt in Marina Del Ray; but it had gone outta business. Sorry for any inconveniences.


New member
Saturday April 3rd, 2004

Saturday April 3rd, 2004


Your post refers to the next meeting to be on the 5th of April, but i hope you meant the 3rd of April

I look forward to another trip up North

Later Guys



Post Hawk
HAHA i looked at the watercoolers 03 calender, how you like that?
Uhh i was seeing if you were paying attention? I'd get more responses that way, eh eh? lol
I will be there, and this time i will have my truck ::thumbsup::


okay so this month we're lookin' thin again... as far as attendance is concerned, eh?

so we have:


thats 5 sy's/ty's and an SRT-4. anyone else?


Active member
Decipt808 will be there with me and one of the other guys I work with. Any stock trucks gonna be there wanna try to run the SRT :-D


New member
phoonerorlater said:
Decipt808 will be there with me and one of the other guys I work with. Any stock trucks gonna be there wanna try to run the SRT :-D

Sure... would love to.... oh stock, my bad. :p Picking up my sy on Sunday to take to mike at RPM if all goes according to plans that is.
Soo once again I will miss another meet. Honestly did anybody really think I would be able to make it! lol...


Active member
Heh, There are guys putting up 13.8 on stock SRT's but I have been driving an auto awd suv for the past year or so, so I am not the best at the launch yet. I just wanna see how it does. Ill race a slightly modded Typhoon if it is full of passengers :)


New member
hey guys,
I would like to join you guys, so count me in. I'm luis BTW. I'm the one that met steve-o at fontana raceway. I hope to see many sytys there. :D


New member
phoonerorlater said:
turn out was good. I had a good time. Everyone feared my srt though. Its a shame haha. Anyways, I hope to make it next month

You mean there was no race against your SRT? oh lord, can't wait to get my truck out there on the next one.
Any pics from the get together???


New member


an SRT huh......well i got most of the work done this week to it, now i just need to finish my custom cold air box for the intake, battery relocation and electric fans, so hopefully im there next month....