Owners in the San Francisco Area?



Hello everybody,
I was wondering if there are any SyTy owners in the San Francisco Bay area. I am thinking about buying a Syclone or Typhoon, as the wife is encouraging me to buy a truck. I'd like to have a tactile experience with a Syclone or Typhoon, as I've only ever seen them from afar or read about them (lots of reading).

If anybody would like to get together with me, like a GTG or just one on one, and talk about/touch/ride/drive their SyTy, please let me know...

BTW, specifically I live in the East Bay near Mt. Diablo, in Danville.



New member
Owners in the San Francisco Area?

I read your post I'm certainly interested in getting together with whom ever we can round up of the many SyTy owners in and around the bay area. I live in San Jose and own both a Sy and a Ty, both black. The Ty is slightly modified under the hood with all bolt on mods to help it breath better and make more power. I'm the original owner of my Ty which I bought in August of 1993. I bought my Sy in July of 2001 from high school friend who bought it brand new. I would love to get all these trucks together at least a half dozen times each summer or any even Spring and Winter. But from my experience trying to pull an event together, that can be difficult. As for wanting to buy a Sy or Ty? There really isn't anything better as far as "Bang for the buck goes". These trucks in well tuned form have the potential to beat most anything from zero to sixty and up.

Hope we all can get toether and meet with you. I will keep a close watch on this post for possible developements? Feel free to email me off line at mtb9192@juno.com anytime.


New member
r.e. Event in San Jose for SyTy's

r.e. Event in San Jose for SyTy's

Tom Dowd is again having his annual summer gathering in San Jose. Wewould love to have a "future owner" join us so come on down to San jose on one of the following dates to be determined soon. Hope to see you and meet you?

dates to consider are...June 26th, July 10th, July 17th Let me know which one is best for you by emailing me at mtb9192@juno.com or just respondingto this post.


Active member
there are a few trucks for sale under 50k miles..i know of a 91 syclone for sale with 42k-ish miles for sale in brisbane...i think he wants 15k...i do not remember..and last i heard he had a 93 typhoon for sale too. the place is called 415 motors...ask for sam


New member
Dowd SyTy gathering

Dowd SyTy gathering

Are you saying you would like to come to the gathering? Feel free to drop by, we welcome any owners as well as wanna-be and soon to be owners. Right now if everyone shows? From the emails I have got so far, we could have 11 trucks which is much better than last years event.

Hope you come and right now it is looking like July 10th wil be the date of the gathering. An official announcement will be coming soon.

Have a great weekend, stay safe.