Gumball 3000 Groupies Invade Reno - picture link below


Lift & Shift Specialist
Since the folks at Gumball 3000 headquarters in the UK decided not to respond to my request to participate in the SF to Miami race, I entered myself as an imposter in the Reno gathering in front of the Circus Circus hotel.

I spent much of the early evening producing computer fakes of the Gumball 3000 logos and various other advertisements.

I uncapped the PTE dump tube for the added effect and cruised down to Virginia Street where the real Gumball 3000 participants had parked their cars.

I brought a friend along as my "camera man." His job was to operate the "battery-less" camera to add to the drama and create a distraction. I told him to start rolling as we entered the police barricade.

Police barricades blocked off the Gumball paddock. We pulled up to the stop light before the entrance to the paddock and the police signaled for us to enter and he opened up a pathway for us to enter.

As we drove in, we were mobbed by fans of the Gumball 3000 on both sides of the truck. People were saying things like, "whoooa a Syclone!" They were in awe!

People in front of me began parting like the Red Sea and the event personnel directed me to park my truck at an angle next to a Cadillac Escalade participant. There was a mob around my truck as I tried to back it into the spot.

The entire experience was surreal!

Anyway, I was very surprised how easily people can be distracted as there were tale tale signs all over my truck that something was wrong. I popped the hood quick so nobody would get wise to the fact my Gumball 3000 decal was beginning to peel off the hood and expose the scotch tape underneath. The logo was made up of four sections taped together. There was also a DNKY JEANS sticker on the hood that was about 3 times too small. The Gumball 3000 logo on the back window looked okay, but next to it was a sticker that said "Groupies"

Everyone bought it at least for the time being. The event personnel even asked me why the numbers were missing from the side of the truck. I told him curtly that they had fallen off on the way up from SF. My pathetic excuse actually worked for awhile.

Later he came back and asked me for my wristband and ID and I told him I left it in the hotel. He asked me which hotel did the Gumball participants stay at in SF. I said St Francis? I mean the Fairmont. Woops!

The police kicked me out and in the process they tore off the fake Gumball 3000 logos leaving a mess of tape behind on my hood and back window.

This was definitely one of the funniest gags I've pulled off.

I managed to click off a few pictures while I had the chance. You can view them at

Adam Auerbach
Sy #2419


Donating Member
You meet SyTy owners in the strangest places Gumball 3000??

You meet SyTy owners in the strangest places Gumball 3000??

I'll be damned. I am sitting infront of the Circus Circus in Reno checking out all the Gumball rally cars driving in. Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborguini, Elise, TVR, GMC Syclone? I didn't believe it either but I see this big dude get out of his truck like he owned the place. Now, I just bought my truck last week so I introduced myself, knowing no other syclone owners. "Going all 3000 miles in that?" "Definately!" I knew something was up. I saw no Numbers on the truck but Gumball stickers taped on the hood and back glass. Anyways, that was tight... you stayed there quite a while.

Whats up Adam! Its Brian, that guy you seen before but never remembered where, yeah Anyways it was good meeting you. I wondered why you left so quick. I was amazed to see just how many people saw the truck and said damn, check this out! Yeah twin turbo and everything. Supercharged?? It drew quite the croud but not like chicks flashing. Too bad you had to leave early. There were some nice rides to check out.

I was definately amazed to see that there were just as many people checking out your truck as they were the other exotics. The one thing I didn't care for was the lack of respect toward the cars my the spectators. Some weren't just looking, others were hanging off cars, poking and touching. Overall, I was definately impressed with the turnout. Never seen so many badass cars in my life.

Anyways since I can't upload pics on this BB I am posting this link to another I check out. There are some descent pics and others dark and blurry.

My buddy in his 96 Mystic Cobra decided to take some ferrari guys on early this morning when they left. He said he buried his needle past 160 and couldn't keep up. Obviously he lost but he had fun nonetheless. I tried to grab one of the Gumball stickers that they had on the Road Closed signs but these cheap police wouldn't let me take it even after the event was over, even for 10 bucks.


Lift & Shift Specialist
Re: You meet SyTy owners in the strangest places Gumball 30

Re: You meet SyTy owners in the strangest places Gumball 30

Wicked Style said:
I'll be damned. I am sitting infront of the Circus Circus in Reno checking out all the Gumball rally cars driving in. Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborguini, Elise, TVR, GMC Syclone? I didn't believe it either but I see this big dude get out of his truck like he owned the place. Now, I just bought my truck last week so I introduced myself, knowing no other syclone owners. "Going all 3000 miles in that?" "Definately!" I knew something was up. I saw no Numbers on the truck but Gumball stickers taped on the hood and back glass. Anyways, that was tight... you stayed there quite a while.

Whats up Adam! Its Brian, that guy you seen before but never remembered where, yeah Anyways it was good meeting you. I wondered why you left so quick. I was amazed to see just how many people saw the truck and said damn, check this out! Yeah twin turbo and everything. It drew quite the croud but not like chicks flashing. Too bad you had to leave early.

Anyways since I can't upload pics on this BB I am posting this link to another I check out. There are some descent pics.

My buddy in his 96 Mystic Cobra decided to take some ferrari guys on early this morning when they left. He said he buried his needle past 160 and couldn't keep up. Obviously he lost but he had fun nonetheless. [/i]


I could hardly keep a straight face talking to you! I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag as I knew the word would spread fast and I would be booted out of there sooner than I wanted to.

Acting like King shit was part of plan. I used a bunch of distractions to help prolong the experience. You like the sunglasses?

It was nice meeting you and hope you can stop by my pad this weekend and show off your new truck.

Send me an email to and I will give you my phone number.




Donating Member
You fucked up. Dropped the ball, pass incomplete. WTF were you thinking?! Dumbass.

You used a batteryless camcorder? I would have paid to see those vids.



Picking fights on I-65 since 2013
awesome job..

hopefully someone got it on video and it will appear somewhere on broadcast television or maybe even dvd..

good job.


Donating Member
LOL... Shenanigans like that make me wish I was still young and ornery enough to pull off stunts like that. Mine werent nearly as "high class" but fun none the less (Ever took a freight train for a joy ride? Me neither but a bud and I almost got away with it).

The batteryless camera was a nice touch too. Definately points for that. :D



I'm going to be hanging out near the I-10 with a few friends when they head down to Tucson, hopefully we'll run into them as they pass through. I know a couple people out here that can't wait to screw with those exotics on the freeway. I will have a (functioning) camera of course...


Lift & Shift Specialist
Sigo said:
You fucked up. Dropped the ball, pass incomplete. WTF were you thinking?! Dumbass.

You’re just jealous!

It was becoming obvious we didn't belong their. Once they knew we didn't have passes, it was all over.

I told my buddy to bring his real camera as well, but he forgot of course.

Hey man we were in for over 30 minutes! No f**king up here in my book.


You used a batteryless camcorder? I would have paid to see those vids.



New member
i watched the gumball race on PPV last night at viper jon's house.

after i saw it, i imediately thought of this post and wanted to look at the pics again...... but they are gone :(

anyone save the pics of the "fake" syclone?



New member
The PPV Gumball is the edited version.

Go on Kazaa and download part 1 and part 2 of the gumball DVD.

They cut a lot out of it.

I had to stay up last night to watch all the crazy bikers on PPV.
Not enough crashes IMHO.

My best friend is buying an R6 tomorrow and I was trying to convince him to play it safe, but after watching that he is gonna get that bike and go out and try to do wheelies and stoppies on the highway and probably kill himself...