Firewall massaging


New member
Haven't got a 4l80e for mock up but wondering how much massaging of the firewall or tunnel is actually necessary. Does the lip at the bottom of the firewall need to simply be rolled under or does the tunnel itself need to be massaged too. I've added new cab mounts and that seems to have raised the cab about an inch. Of course now it doesn't match the bed but thats another story! Anyone got any thoughts on this?


Donating Member
Re: Firewall massaging

On my Typhoon I only massaged it so I could get the bolts in easier but otherwise the trans fit fine without any massaging. If you ever plan on upgrading your exhaust you will need to trim off the ears on the trans housing prior to installing it otherwise it's a bit of a pain in the ass to do later when its installed.


What ever it takes!!
Re: Firewall massaging

Yeah trim the 4l80 tabs now while you can & bend the seams back too. It all helps.