I responded a couple days ago, but took it down as I couldn't remember one detail that is pertinent.. It has been awhile since I had one apart, but I've had a bunch of them on my bench.
There should be some end play in the input shaft. .087 is quite a bit, but not alarming.
Here's the "detail" I couldn't remember until just now:
There are two bronze thrust washers inside that tend to wear. One of them is between the input shaft and the planetary carrier.
This particular washer usually shows severe wear upon disassembly. If this washer is worn, input shaft end play increases. I suspect that the washer in your case is worn.
These used to be readily available from Cobra Transmission. I've also turned them over which reduces the end play because a new surface is now being used. The case is not particularly fussy to disassemble and reassemble. No special tools are required. It won't cost anything other than a tube of RTV for the case-halves to take a look and flip the smaller washer over.
Or do nothing. Most of these trucks are now projects that are seldom (if ever) driven any longer. Even if the washer is worn, it probably won't cause any issues for the duration of your ownership. .087 is more than it will be with a new washer, but not "excessive", IMO.
EDIT: It looks like
Cobra still catalogues parts for these T-cases.
The shaft thrush washer is shown but cannot be "added to cart" so it probably is NOT currently available.
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