1st official SoCalSyTy meet. Sat, Oct 4th.


okay, so here's the new thread to kick off one of many SoCalSyTy gatherings to come. Due to popular interest, the first meeting will be at "The Loft" in Torrance. the plan is to meet there at 4pm.

click here for map and directions

sorry i won't be attending this time cuz of a wedding. but i'm 99% sure i will be at the next one though. thanks all, and to the recent newcommers to the BB (Nasariobv, and RX4Guy) too....welcome aboard.

feel free to submit ideas for next month's gathering here. late.


New member
I can't make it. im going camping this weekend. Many mountains waiting to be demolished by the banshee. Especially the one that i lost to last time(rolled it)HEHE


Donating Member

for all of you who didn't make it to the meeting this month, you missed Lou and his Marlboro Syclone.


New member


ok next time ill be there if i have to take the metrolink....god damnnnnnn....that what i get for gambling...


ok so if we plan to stay true and on schedule with our monthly gatherings, the next meeting should take place on Saturday, November 1st. That is, two weeks from tomorrow, the day after Halloween. Lets hear it. Where do you want to meet? throw 'em out here!!

I, unfortunately, can't make it to the next meet either. I know, I know. I said above i was 99% sure i'd make it next time but i have something waaaay cool to do and i can't pass this up. i'm going to the speedway at fontana to see the CART race. i be there to see my engines run, camp out, and party down in an RV parked in the infield all weekend with some guys from work. just can't pass this one up. once again, my bad. i didn't realize the race was on that same weekend.

scott told me that there were only three trucks at The Loft last time; one of which was a marlboro syclone. those who showed up didn't even go into the restaurant for dinner or brew. they just BS'd and booked. too bad many of us couldn't make it. hmm...sad. :cry:


Post Hawk
i hope to be up and running by then if not ill come with the honda, hehe, im there we need to stay on this as there are new socal guys here which want to represent, lets shoot the shizzle at the loft, some attendance and a good meal will do us all pretty darn good.


New member
...sorry I missed it too, guys & gals.

Let us know if there will be an event in November and December, and I'll try to make it over depending on my travel schedule.....

pd from NorCal


666 Sothis 666 said:
so what day is the meeting gonna be on in nov? the 1st or the 8th?
hmm...well if we want to stay true to what we all voted for, it looks like the meet will be on the 1st. however, if we want to make an exception this time and have it on the 8th then i'm game. then i can go.

any thoughts?






Post Hawk
you suck, 1st we need to tally up whos all going, 2nd we need to see who cares, im game for the 8th or the 1st.


New member
if anyone is keeping tabs (or cares), 1 Nov would be better. 8 Nov some of us NorCal vatos are already planning a trip to Sacramento Raceway for some test 'n tune.

...so I could bring my Ty down on Saturday 1 Nov, be there by late afternoon.

pd de San Jo, Norcal


New member


i say we meet the 8th, i will be out of town for a friends wedding?
anywhere any place....sy106