There's a guy on here named tooky that can help, or post your problems and see who chimes in. Most tuning and problem solving usually requires a program named datamaster and a laptop to run it, along with a data cable that plugs into your aldl port. The questions that usually come up first is what size/type turbo, injector size, ecm and type chip and any other deviation from stock. I don't have the cable yet. The last time i tuned one of these was about 6 years ago and it was all stock except a bigger turbo was installed. It seems there was someone in Baton rouge that raced a red syclone in NHRA stock eliminator class and had the tuning down pat. I lost track of him about 4 years ago. also, go to the GN web boards and check because they had a few years head start.... and I got a few parts from them too...