Back out to sea, again. Back for June, I hope. Glad to hear it was something relatively cheap and easy! Should have some time to get together once I get back. Good luck w/ tuning, maybe you can help explain it to me when I get to it.
No problem. Maybe next time. My Syclone won't be making it, either, today. Found the transmission hardlines had rubbed through, rubbing against the exhaust crossover pipe. It's outside leaking right now, while I decide how and when to fix it.
Derrick, do you drive your ty daily? Cuz i swear to god i get 5 texts a day from people saying they saw "a white typhoon in monroe or sultan." My girlfriend said shes seen you like the last couple mornings on her way to work. I guess i'm the guy outta all my friends that has to hear whenever they see a typhoon or syclone.